[BillingsLUG] This month's meeting

Shawn A. Wilson shawn at lannocc.com
Mon Nov 5 16:25:48 MST 2012

Last meeting we never did decide on a topic for the November meeting, 
which is already fast approaching.

A few ideas were brought up:

* Security with Mikrotik IP cameras
* Running Mikrotik software on a PC (Mikrotik produces RouterOS, a 
router management interface that is based on Linux)

There were also a few distros mentioned that we could look at:

* ChromiumOS
* QNX (embedded OS) -- not exactly Linux
* SliTax
* Haiku

This is YOUR meeting, so please reply if you would like to see a 
discussion on any of the above or if you have additional ideas. We could 
also try an interactive workshop approach if you guys want to work on 
something Linux-related. Worst case scenario is we have no formal topic 
and just get together to BS over some brews.

We should also try to continue the Montana Linux Fest discussion and I 
have a couple books to give away this month.


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