[BillingsLUG] Last month summary, Montana Linux Fest, etc.

Shawn A. Wilson shawn at lannocc.com
Mon Nov 5 16:14:06 MST 2012

Sorry to take so long getting this summary out:

Last month we did some basic comparison between Ubuntu and Debian. Since 
Ubuntu is based on Debian there aren't a whole lot of differences. The 
main thing we noticed is Ubuntu defaults to Unity and Firefox while 
Debian defaults to GNOME3 and Epiphany.

We also talked briefly about a Montana Linux Fest. Last I heard we were 
thinking about holding it in August but it was brought up that August 
competes with MontanaFair and back-to-school. Current discussion is 
focused around holding it in Billings but it was mentioned that Bozeman 
might be better due to its central location.

I mentioned I could set up a wiki for collaborating ideas on Montana 
Linux Fest. Does this sound useful to anyone else or should we create a 
mailing list instead?


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