[BillingsLUG] LinuxFest Northwest 2011 - Anyone?

mb madeinmontana at bresnan.net
Wed Apr 20 12:41:17 MDT 2011

Hello everyone, wishing/hoping I could go, but have a personal problem I
need help with that is more pressing.
Does anyone have suggestions for a couple programs I need to install on a
winxp home laptop so I can:
1) access the computer remotely for management
2) a video chat program that is simple and stable
This laptop is being sent to my 2yr old so we can keep in touch, his mother
moved and she WILL mess up a computer, hence the need for remote management.

Thanks in advance to any who reply

Mike Berry

-----Original Message-----
From: billingslug-bounces at billingslug.org
[mailto:billingslug-bounces at billingslug.org] On Behalf Of Scott Dowdle
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011 16:26
To: Bozeman Linux Users Group; BillingsLUG
Subject: [BillingsLUG] LinuxFest Northwest 2011 - Anyone?


I'm all set to go to the LinuxFest Northwest 2011 show.  Admission is free.

It is Saturday and Sunday, April 30th - May 1st.  Given the fact that I'm
driving... I'm leaving very early from Bozeman on Friday April 29th.  After
the show is over on Sunday afternoon, I'll head back and stop whenever I get
tired (last year it was Wallace Idaho)... then get up early on Monday to
return to Bozeman.

Anyone want to go with me?  I'll be in a four passenger car and the room I'm
renting has two queen beds in it.  Your only expenses would be whatever you
spend on food and goodies along the way.

The final presentation schedule for the show has been finalized and you can
find it here:


Here are the presentations I plan on attending... and hope to record:

Rapid Application Development in Linux using Lazarus Crash Course on Open
Source Cloud Computing bup - super efficient, easy incremental backups
Linux-Vservers - One hunk of hardware, loads of servers What's New in Fedora
Understanding FOSS Licensing: Lessons learned from Fedora Write, and Submit,
your first Linux kernel patch Linux Containers (LXC) Rethinking
infrastructure: Putting the System back into Systems Administration
Networking with IPv6

If anyone has any questions about the trip, please email me directly
(dowdle at montanalinux.org).

Scott Dowdle
704 Church Street
Belgrade, MT 59714
(406)388-0827 [home]
(406)994-3931 [work]
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