[BillingsLUG] Two cool Linux applications I just discovered

Kevin Nathan knathan at project54.com
Mon Dec 26 10:48:02 MST 2011

On Mon, 26 Dec 2011 07:34:39 -0700 (MST)
Scott Dowdle <dowdle at montanalinux.org> wrote:

>I started using a couple of new applications this morning that I
>thought I'd tell you about. Both are in the stock Fedora repos but
>also probably in other distros as well. They are:
>1) terminator - Yet another terminal emulator for X11 but this one is
>awesome. It is similar to screen and tmux except that you can't detach
>and reattach... so terminator really isn't for remote machines... 

I'm installing terminator right now (and tmux, hadn't heard of that
one, either). I have been mostly using Konsole but, since I don't run
KDE (WindowMaker fan, here!), it doesn't seem to remember the tabs I had
open on a restart. I'm kind of hoping terminator can do that and save
me the trouble of trying to code my own or modify Konsole! :-) Although
I don't use it much, anymore, it does have a "send command to all tabs"
function that I used a lot when I had to maintain remote servers.

Just curious: have you ever tried "yakuake", a terminal for KDE? I
thought it was pretty nice but didn't really have the time to learn it

>2) soundconverter - I occasionally find myself converting one audio
>file format into another.  

Installing this one, too. I normally use audacity for my sound
conversions, but will check this one out.

Thanks for the info, Scott! 

Kevin Nathan (Arizona, USA)  

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