[BillingsLUG] network discovery "surprise"

Mike Berry CT~SE mike at ct-se.com
Thu Sep 30 03:15:30 MDT 2010

Hello to all,  I have a WAN to WAN network in two towns, each behind a
microtec? router (the ISP) with our own routers in place, inside, at each
end. The trouble I'm having is when I do a network discovery with a program
called Network View on the range, I get devices listed that
are NOT supposed to be in our network, and devices listed with different
ranges ie,, or

1                     Is it possible to have the isp routers allowing this? 

2                     And if so, would that be a reason for the bandwidth

Supposed to have 20x5 at that end, and we are all over the chart with speed
tests. .75x.5 on up, from the same location and seconds apart.


All thoughts would be appreciated.





Mike Berry


PO Box 23714 Billings, MT 59104     406.855.0584


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